—   Lesson series

ROSCAs Across the Globe!

In this course, explore the unique history, challenges, successes, iterations and innovations of informal financial co-operative model - ROSCAs - Rotating Savings and Credit Associations. Using case studies across different countries, participants will learn about the creative applications of both traditional and digital ROSCA model to improving financial inclusion, empowering people with financial literacy skills, building community wealth, enhancing social cohesion and overall economic transformation. 
  • 18 learners

  • 3 hours

    Video duration
  • 3 hours

    Course duration
  • 2 Ebooks

    Free of charge




    —   About me

    Learn more about WWN

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    WWN Academy delivers culturally informed, experiential, holistic Leadership Training, Cooperative Education, Financial Literacy Programs and Peer-to-Peer Funding and Consulting services to equity-denied and under-served Women and Youth.

    WWN is revolutionizing Financial Literacy Coaching and Leadership Training using an Afrocentric co-operative model - “ESUSU/”SUSU”, (also called *“ROSCA” - Rotating Savings and Credit Association). Embedded in ROSCAs are leadership values of trust, cooperation, accountability, community, mutual aid, etc., that are transformative for life/work/business.

    WWN’s training and coaching services are offered via a hybrid model - through online courses, webinars, podcasts, and in-person one-on-one sessions, and group seminars, workshops, retreats and conferences.
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