—   Lesson series

FLY - Financial Literacy for Youth - (Beginners)

A Holistic, Culturally-informed, Financial Literacy and Resilience Program for Teenagers and Youth.
  • 28 learners

  • 7 hours

    Video duration
  • 15 hours

    Course duration
  • 4 Ebooks

    Free of charge




    —   About me

    Learn a Bit More About Me

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    Nwaka Bede Nwokoye is an Accountant and Educator with over two and a half decades of experience in the banking and education sectors. A Certified Teacher and Early Childhood Educator, her expertise also includes curriculum development with a cultural and DEI lens, as well as creating and implementing leadership, co-operative education and financial literacy coaching and training programs for Youth (Elementary, Secondary and Post-secondary levels). Her afrocentric, intuitive and culturally informed approach brings transformation to her clients.
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