—   Lesson series

FLOW - Financial Literacy for Women

A 7-week Holistic, Culturally-informed Financial Literacy and Wealth Wholeness Program for Women.
  • 12 learners

  • 3.5 hours

    Video duration
  • 10.5 hours

    Course duration
  • 1 eBook & 1 Workbook

    Free of charge




    —   About me

    Learn a Bit More About Me

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    Juliet Kego Ume-Onyido, MBA is a Licensed Financial Advisor and Educator. She is Master Certified Leadership Trainer and Coach. Her holistic approach brings clarity, direction, and positive support for her clients. Juliet empowers her clients to live their best life, by filling the gap between where they are now, and where they want to be. By identifying where growth and transformation are desired, setting quantum goals and objectives, and offering accountability frameworks, clients will reach their highest goals and dreams.
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