—   Lesson series

Energetic Life Map®: 7 Ps of Empowered Living

A deep dive into the Human Potential Life Map Technology developed by HPI Inc. It delves into the 7 Ps of Empowered living and has self-assessment tools to help participants measure the baselines and track their growth in key areas of life. The concepts are evidence-based and are applicable to individuals, groups/teams, organizations etc,. seeking holistic and results based transformation,
  • 68 learners

  • 4 hours

    Video duration
  • 27 hours

    Course duration
  • 4 Ebooks

    Free of charge




    —   About me

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    Diana Barikor M.Ed. is a Certified Coach and Trainer. Her holistic approach brings clarity, direction, and positive support for her clients. Diana helps clients live their most authentic and whole life, by filling the gap between where they are now, and where they want to be. By identifying where growth is desired, setting quantum goals and objectives, and holding them accountability, Diana helps clients reach their highest potentials and dreams using fun, creative, engaging and effective strategies, tools and frameworks!
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